In a remarkable story of transformation, a former hoarder’s house in Sydney has been listed for $3.4 million after spending 70 years in the same family1. Located in the bustling inner-city suburb of Paddington, this double-storey period house was previously inhabited by a man whose penchant for hoarding filled the house to its ceilings. Now, his daughters, the current vendors, have embarked on a challenging quest to clear out the clutter and sell their family home.
The property, which is being listed for the first time in seven decades, comes with an interesting caveat: potential buyers are advised to wear safety footwear when viewing the multimillion-dollar relic1. Despite the house’s dilapidated state, its charm and potential are undeniable. With peeling wallpaper, exposed brickwork, a hole-ridden roof, and furniture stacked high, this property has attracted significant interest.
The selling agent, John Cannizzaro of Montano Group, explains that the vendors have done an exceptional job in gutting out enough of their father’s hoard to make the house walkable during the marketing campaign1. Cannizzaro and his colleagues had to devise a strategy to conduct open inspections, eventually settling on admitting six people at a time due to the precarious state of the property1.
The demand for this distinctive property has been overwhelming. Despite its condition, a prospective buyer has already requested a contract, demonstrating the hot state of Sydney’s property market1. For context, the median house price in Paddington is around $3.11 million, which makes the listing price of this unique property a testament to the location’s demand1.